2007 KApOA Futurity Rules

All weanlings shown in this futurity must meet the KY Bred eligibility requirements.
The KY Bred definition is as follows: Registered Appaloosa foals of 2007 and later must be born in Kentucky, show a Kentucky breeder address and be sired by an Appaloosa stallion standing in Kentucky.

There will be three weanling futurity classes:
Weanling Colts ( includes geldings )
Weanling Fillies
Most Colorful Weanlings

The weanling colts and fillies may be shown in the futurity with breeding stock ApHC papers. The most colorful weanling class will require that the horse have a regular ApHC
registration certificate. Exhibitors must present the original ApHC registration papers to the KApOA entry booth at the show. Both the owner and exhibitor of the horse must be members of KApOA. The futurity will be held on Saturday night, during the Fall BGSApHC show.

There shall be a nomination fee of $50.00 per class entry. This fee will be non-refundable unless the KApOA Pointkeeper determines that the weanling fails to meet the KY Bred definition. The nomination form and a copy of the weanling’s ApHC registration certificate must be received by the Pointkeeper by August 15, 2007.

The revenue from the nomination fees may be used for administrative costs of the futurity while the Kentucky Breeders’ Incentive Funds proceeds must be paid to the Futurity exhibitors. Payback will be to a minimum of five placings based on the Kentucky Breeders’ Incentive Funds available. It is the intent of KApOA to pay as many placings as possible. This decision will be made each year by the KApOA Breeding/Halter Committee. Awards will be paid in early 2008 by the KY Horse Racing Authority.

All disputes will be decided by the KApOA Breeding/Halter Committee. For information, you may contact Dennis Dixon, Chairman, KApOA Breeding/Halter Committee at 7190 Corinth Road, Berry, KY 41003. His telephone number is 859-824-6273 and the e-mail address is dixonapp@aol.com. Barbara Dixon, KApOA Pointkeeper has the same contact information.

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