KApOA Application for Certification as KY Bred   
All Appaloosas shown or ridden in KApOA events must meet the KY Bred eligibility requirements. The KY Bred definition is as follows: Horses foaled prior to 2007 showing on their ApHC registration that the animal was foaled in Kentucky. In addition, the breeder listed on the registration form must show a Kentucky address or the Appaloosa sire of the animal must have stood in Kentucky at the time of the breeding. Registered Appaloosa foals of 2007 and later must be born in Kentucky, show a Kentucky breeder address and be sired by an Appaloosa stallion standing in Kentucky.

Appaloosas may be shown  in the weanling colt and filly futurity classes and ridden in the Saddle Log Program with breeding stock ApHC papers. All other classes must have either a regular or CPO ApHC registration certificate. The Most Colorful Weanling futurity class entries must have regular ApHC papers. Horses with Breeding Stock Papers may be upgraded to KApOA Show status upon receipt of upgraded papers from the ApHC.

Enclosed is a certification fee of $10.00 per horse. This fee is non-refundable. The certification, if granted, is good for the life of the horse. Also enclosed is a copy of each horse’s ApHC registration certificate, front and back. 

Registered Name:_____________________________________Registration #___________
Foaling Date:___________
Sire:_______________________________________________Registration #___________
Sire's Owner:_________________________________________Phone #_______________
Address where stallion was standing at time of breeding:__________________________________________________________________

Dam:_______________________________________________Registration #___________
Dam's Owner:_________________________________________Phone #_______________
Address where mare foaled:___________________________________________________

Total enclosed - $____________

The above information is certified to be true and correct.
Owner Signature:_______________________________________Date_______________
Address:_________________________________________ Phone #    (     )___________
City, State & Zip _________________________________________________________

All disputes will be decided by the KApOA Board of Directors.

This application is to be sent to Barbara Dixon, KApOA Pointkeeper, 7190 Corinth Road, Berry, KY 41003. Her telephone number is 859-824-6273 and the e-mail address is dixonapp@aol.com. Please allow 30 days to process the application.  

No KApOA classes may be entered or counted towards KApOA awards
until the horse in question is certified as KY Bred!

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