KApOA Saddle Log Rules
All Appaloosas shown or ridden in KApOA events must meet the KY Bred eligibility requirements. The KY Bred definition is as follows: Horses foaled prior to 2007 showing on their ApHC registration that the animal was foaled in Kentucky. In addition, the breeder listed on the registration form must show a Kentucky address or the Appaloosa sire of the animal must have stood in Kentucky at the time of the breeding. Registered Appaloosa foals of 2007 and later must be born in Kentucky, show a Kentucky breeder address and be sired by an Appaloosa stallion standing in Kentucky.
The rider must be a current KApOA member. The horse ridden must be certified as a KY Bred Appaloosa. Appaloosas may be ridden in the KApOA Saddle Log Program with breeding stock ApHC papers.
There is a Nomination form, which must be completed and forwarded to the KApOA Pointkeeper along with a $10.00 fee and the Application for Certification as KY Bred.
This fee will be non-refundable unless the horse is determined as ineligible as a KY Bred horse. Both the Nomination form and the KY Bred Certification must be received and approved by the Pointkeeper prior to any points being counted by KApOA. Please allow 30 days for this process. Rides prior to certification and nomination of the horse and the owner/rider’s paid memberships will not count towards awards.
Members will be eligible for the Youth division if they were 18 or under as of January 1, 2007. Youth riders are not required to own the horse ridden in the Saddle Log Program.
Logged hours must be recorded on the form provided by KApOA. It will not include hours logged at the owner/rider's residence. A minimum of 50% of the hours logged must be documented by maps, receipts, etc. from the area of the rides. (Saddlelog Program is not limited to Kentucky Trails)
The time period logged hours will count for 2007 will be January 1, 2007 through November 15, 2007. Results must be turned in to Mark McCauley no later than November 30, 2007. There will be three award divisions: Jr. Horse, Sr. Horse and Youth. There will be minimum of five placings per division, subject to receipt of the KY Breeder's Incentive Funds. Additional placings may be designated by the KApOA Trail Committee based on the amount of funds granted through the Breeder's Incentive Fund.
Awards will be paid, as available, in early 2008.
Any ties will be broken first by determining the rider with the most hours ridden on Kentucky trails and secondly by the greatest number of different Kentucky trails ridden during the time period indicated above. Any ties still existing will be broken by a coin toss.
All disputes will be decided by the KApOA Trail Committee. The Committee Chair is Roland Haun, 872 Nacke Pike, Cecelia, KY 42724. His telephone # is 270-862-9357 and the e-mail address is rchaun@yahoo.com.