2007 KApOA Show Program Rules
1. Horses must be nominated and recognized as a Kentucky Bred Appaloosa.
2. Horses are nominated for KY Bred Certification at a one time cost of $10.00.
3. At time of entry the owner must present the Certification of the horse’s KY Bred Eligibility and the original ApHC Registration Certificate. Horses with Breeding Stock papers are ineligible for show.
4. Both the owner and the exhibitor of the horse must be current KApOA Members.
5. Points earned before certification by KApOA or nomination to the Open or Regional show programs will not be counted towards year end awards.
6. Divisions in KApOA are as follows: Regional Appaloosa Show and Open Show.
7. 2007 competition awards for each division will be distributed by the KY Horse Racing Authority in early 2008. Awards distribution will be determined by the Show Committee, based on the amount of Kentucky Breeders Incentive Funds awarded by the KY Horse Racing Authority. Awards designated for the Show Program will be divided equally between the Open and Regional divisions.
Open Show Division
1. Age of horse is determined as of January 1. Junior Halter horses are 2 years and under with Senior Halter horses 3 years and older. Junior Performance Horses are 5 years and under with Senior Performance horses 6 years and older.
2. Open Shows to count for points must be held in the time frame of the show season of May 1 - Sept 30, 2007. The KApOA Open show is required to be eligible for this program. This show will be held on both September 15 and 16, 2007. You must show on at least one of the two days to qualify for the Open Show program. If you choose to show both days, you may count both shows in your point total.
3. Horses will be shown with no artificial coloring. i.e. blacked hooves, artificial spots etc. The use of corn starch, shoe polish dye and or similar substances of any color shall be considered artificial coloring.
4. The Judge's decision is final.
5. Exhibitors must display their back number in a visible manner while being judged. Failure to do this will result in disqualification from the class.
6. Judge's cards cannot be altered after the class placings have been announced.
1. Exhibitors shall wear appropriate attire in the show ring.
a) Western: Long Sleeve shirt, pants (slacks, trousers or jeans), western hat (ATM or SEI helmet optional), boots and belt. Spurs are optional.
b) Hunt Seat: Hunt coat, collared shirt, hunt seat breeches, tall boots. Gloves, spurs and crops are optional.
1. Horses showing signs of lameness will be disqualified at Judge’s discretion.
2. Prohibited Equipment:
Western Pleasure:
a) Wire Chin Straps
b) Any chin strap narrower than ½ inch
c) Martingales and draw reins.
d) Bits should not exceed port height of 3 ½ inches and the shank shall be no longer than 8 ½ inches. Slip Gag Bits, Doughnut and
e) Flat polo mouthpieces are not acceptable.
a) Draw Reins
b) Roweled Spurs, Slip-on spurs
c) Rubber Reins
d) Wire Chin Straps
e) Bits should not have more than 1 ½ inch port.
Gymkhana equipment guidelines are per the ApHC rulebook.
10. Only one hand will be permitted on the reins except with Bosal and snaffle
bits in Western classes.
11. Snaffle and Bosals are to be used on Junior horses only.
12. Silver Equipment will not count over a good working outfit.
13. Any equipment that is questionable can be required to be removed at the
judge's discretion.
Regional Show Division
1. Regional Appaloosa Shows to count for points are: BGSApHC/KY Mid State ApHC sponsored shows May 5 & 6 and the BGSApHC sponsored Fall show. You must show, as a minimum, at two of these shows in order to qualify for KApOA Regional Show points. The KApOA Open Show is no longer required
for this division.
1. The ApHC Rulebook will determine the guidelines and rules to be followed
at the Regional Appaloosa Horse Shows.
Approved Categories For Awards
Open and Regional Show Divisions
36 classes
Halter: Jr. MaresJr. StallionsJr. Geldings
Sr. Mares Sr. StallionsSr. Geldings
Foundation Bred: Mares, Geldings and Stallions
Hunter in Hand: Mares, Geldings and Stallions
Most Colorful: WeanlingOpen
Western Pleasure: Junior and Senior
Barrels: Junior and Senior
Poles: Junior and Senior
Trail: Open
Reining : Open
Hunter Under Saddle: Junior and Senior
YOUTH DIVISION: ( Junior and Senior here refer to the age of the youth, not the horse. Junior youth are those 13 and under as of January 1 of the show year. Senior youth are those 14-18 as of January 1 of the show year.)
Youth: Mares & Geldings
Youth: Western Pleasure: Junior and Senior
Youth Barrels: Junior and Senior
Youth Poles: Junior and Senior
Youth Trail: Open
Youth Reining : Open
Youth Hunter Under Saddle: Junior and Senior
In order to receive points for KApOA the show or event manager must inspect your horse’s registration papers and Certification of KY Bred Eligibility. The manager or show secretary must sign the show report verifying your placing and the number of entries you competed against. The report must be signed by the exhibitor or owner. Results, Show bill and computer generated results (optional) must be returned to the KApOA point keeper within 20 days of the show.
The show season shall be during the period of May 1, 2007 to September 30, 2007.
The following tabulation will be used for point accumulation:
Point Tabulation:
#Horses 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
For every class you participate in and do not place you will receive .25 point for participation.
Ties will be broken by: The horse defeating the greater number of entries in the class that the tie has occurred in.
The KApOA Point Keeper is: Barbara Dixon, 7190 Corinth Road, Berry, KY 41003. Telephone Number is: 859-824-6273. E-mail: dixonapp@aol.com