Bluegrass Buckskin Horse Association and the
Bluegrass State Appaloosa Horse Club and Kentucky
Mid-State Appaloosa Horse Club invite you to the
May 5 & 6, 2007 Coats of Many Colors Show
Sponsored by Lakeside Arena, Frankfort, Kentucky
Judges: Sat- May 5: Peggy Bannon and Jeff Lechner Sun May 6: Gary Miller and Kathy Miller
Shows are IBHA and ApHC double judge/approved events. Shows starts at 8:00 am both days
call Mary Broyles (859)236 0978 or Annette Whittle (502) 839 5404 for Stall Reservations
1. ApHC Youth Figure 8 Stakes
2. ApHC Non Pro Figure 8 Stakes
3. ApHC Open Figure 8 Stakes
4. ApHC Non Pro Nez Perce Stakes
5. ApHC W/T N Perce St. 10 & U
6. ApHC Yth N Perce St 18 & U
7. ApHC Open Nez Perce Stakes
8. IBHA Dun Factor
9. IBHA 2006 Stallions
10. IBHA 2005 Stallions
11. IBHA 2004 Stallions
12. IBHA Aged Stallions
Grand &Reserve
13. IBHA Amateur Stallions
14. IBHA 2006 Geldings
15. IBHA 2005 Geldings
16. IBHA 2004 Geldings
17. IBHA Aged Geldings
Grand & Reserve
18. IBHA Amateur Geldings
19. IBHA Youth Geldings
20. IBHA 2006 Mares
21. IBHA 2005 Mares
22. IBHA 2004 Mares
23. IBHA Aged Mares
Grand & Reserve
24. IBHA Amateur Mares
25. IBHA Youth Mares
26. ApHC Yearling Colts
27. ApHC Two Year Old Stallions
28. ApHC Three Year Old Stallions
29. ApHC Aged Stallions
Grand & Reserve
30. ApHC Non Pro Stallions – all age
31. ApHC FPD Stallions
32. ApHC Yearling Geldings
33. ApHC Two Year Old Geldings
34. ApHC Three Year Old Geldings
35. ApHC Aged Geldings
Grand & Reserve
36. ApHC Non Pro Geldings- all age
37. ApHC FPD Geldings
38. ApHC Youth Geldings - all age
39. ApHC Yearling Mares
40. ApHC Two Year Old Mares
41. ApHC Three Year Old Mares
42. ApHC Aged Mares
Grand & Reserve
43. ApHC Non Pro Mares - all age
44. ApHC FPD Mares
45. ApHC Youth Mares - all age
46. ApHC Most Colorful
47. IBHA Amat. Showman –West.
48. IBHA Yth W Show. 14 - 18
49. IBHA Yth W Show. 13 & under
50. ApHC W/T Showmanship 10 &
51. ApHC Youth W Show 18 & U
52. ApHC Non Pro Showmanship
53. IBHA Yearling Longe Line
54. BBHA Yearling Derby **
55. IBHA Two year old Longe Line
56. BBHA Two Year Old Derby**
57. ApHC Hunter in Hand Stallions
58. ApHC Non Pro HIH Stallions
59 ApHC Hunter in Hand Geldings
60. ApHC Non Pro HIH Geldings
61. ApHC Youth HIH Geldings
62. ApHC Hunter in Hand Mares
63. ApHC Non Pro HIH Mares
64. ApHC Youth HIH Mares
65. ApHC HUS all age
66. ApHC Youth HUS 18 & under
67. ApHC Non Pro HUS
68. ApHC W/T HUS (10 & under)
69. IBHA Junior Horse HUS
70. IBHA Amateur HUS
71. IBHA Youth HUS
72. IBHA Senior Horse HUS
73. IBHA Amat. HS Disc. Rail
74. IBHA Youth HS Disc. Rail
75. ApHC Youth HS Equitation
18 & under
76. ApHC Non Pro HS Equitation
77. IBHA Amateur HS Equitation
78. IBHA Youth HS Equitation
79. ApHC Open Heritage
80. Open Lead Line 6 & under
81. ApHC Lead Line 6 & under
82. Walk-Trot (ages 8 and under/
may not enter any canter class)
83. Open Walk-Trot -all ages
84. ApHC Walk Trot WP
10 & under
85. ApHC West Pleasure all ages
86. ApHC Youth WP 18 & under
87. ApHC Non Pro West Pleasure
88. IBHA Junior Western Pleasure
89. IBHA Amateur West Pleasure
90. IBHA Youth WP 14 - 18
91. IBHA Youth WP 13 & under
92. IBHA Senior West. Pleasure
93. IBHA Amat. Disc. Rail West
94. IBHA Yth W Disc Rail 14-18
95. IBHA Yth Disc Rail 13& under
96. ApHC Yth W.Equit 18 & under
97. ApHC Non Pro W Equitation
98. IBHA Amateur Horsemanship
99. IBHA Youth Horseman. 14-18
100. IBHA Yth Horse 13 & under
101. ApHC Trail all ages
102. ApHC Yth Trail 18 & under
103. ApHC Non Pro Trail
104. IBHA Open Western Trail
105. IBHA Amateur Western Trail
106. IBHA Youth Western Trail
107. IBHA Open Barrel Racing
108. IBHA Amateur Barrel Racing
109. IBHA Youth Barrel Racing
110. ApHC W/T Stumps 10 & under
111. APHC Yth Stumps 18 & under
112. ApHC Non Pro Stumps
113. ApHC Open Stumps
114. ApHC W/ T Keyhole 10 & U
115. ApHC Ythh Keyhole 18 and under
116. ApHC Non Pro Keyhole
117. ApHC Open Keyhole
IBHA Open classes $16
Amateur classes $16
Youth classes $0
IBHA & office fee $4 per horse/ day
All day fees: $70
**Longe Line Derby - special entry form for class
ApHC classes
Open $16 +judges fees
Non Pro $16 + judges fees
Youth $0 + judges fees
Office fees $2 per horse per day
All day fees $70 + judges fees
(one exhibitor may show up to 3 horses)
Non-point classes may be cancelled at the discretion of the show management
All horses must have a negative Coggins and current Health Certificate.
Stall Fee - $ 50 for the weekend
includes one bag bedding Grounds Fee (horses not stalled)
Camping $25 per night
$45 for weekend
will not be responsible for accidents, thefts, or injuries
Directions to Lakeside Arena, Frankfort KY.
From Louisville KY:
Take I 64 East to Exit 58 turn right onto Highway 60. At the Stop Light turn right
onto Duncan Pike follow approximately 2 – 3 miles. Lakeside Arena is on the Left.
From Lexington KY:
Take I 64 West to Exit 58. Turn left onto Highway 60. Cross under I 64, At the Stop Light turn right onto Duncan Pike follow approximately 2 – 3 miles. Lakeside Arena is on the Left
From Elizabethtown KY:
I 65 to Bluegrass Parkway. Take Exit 59B to Highway 127 North ( toward Frankfort)
Go approximately 20 miles to I 64. Take I64 East (toward Lexington) to Exit 58 turn right onto Highway 60. At the Stop Light turn right onto Duncan Pike follow approximately 2 – 3 miles. Lakeside Arena is on the Left.