During the afternoon of October 16, 2005, representatives of the three Kentucky regional Appaloosa clubs recognized by the Appaloosa Horse Club ( ApHC ) met to form a new organization. The Kentucky Appaloosa Owners Association, Inc. ( KApOA ) was formed as an alliance of the members of the Bluegrass State ApHC, KY Mid-State ApHC and West KY ApHC regional clubs. This new entity was begun to focus on the joint interests of Appaloosa owners across the Commonwealth and in order to properly utilize funds available in 2006 through the Kentucky Breeders Incentive Fund. The Incentive Fund is funded by sales taxes on stallion service fees. These tax receipts were made available to all horse breeds in Kentucky based on new legislation passed and signed into law in 2005. The funds are to be used to promote each breed and enhance the economic development of the breed in Kentucky.
There are several plans for these Incentive Funds for the Appaloosa breed, subject to approval of the Kentucky Racing Authority which will administer the funds for all breeds.
The KY Bred definition is as follows: Horses foaled prior to 2007 showing on their ApHC registration that the animal was foaled in Kentucky. In addition, the breeder listed on the registration form must show a Kentucky address or the Appaloosa sire of the animal must have stood in Kentucky at the time of the breeding. Registered Appaloosa foals of 2007 and later must be born in Kentucky, show a Kentucky breeder address and be sired by an Appaloosa stallion standing in Kentucky.
KApOA dues are $10.00 annually for single or family membership. We are requiring that each KApOA member also be a member of one of the three Kentucky regional ApHC clubs. Their dues range from $15-20 per year.
Appaloosa enthusiasts interested in becoming a member of KApOA may contact
Annette or Mitch Whittle at 1660 Bonds Mill Road, Lawrenceburg, KY 40342.
They may be reached by telephone at 502-839-5404 or by email at justapps@kfbol.com. This is also the contact for the Bluegrass State ApHC.
The contact person for the
Kentucky Mid-State ApHC is
Barbara Dixon at 7190 Corinth Road, Berry, KY 41003.
Her telephone number is 859-824-6273.
The contact person for the
West KY ApHC is
Doris Sullivan at 1067 SR 534, Hickory, KY 42051
and she may be reached by telephone at 270-658-3144.